When English 15S started, I thought it was going to be very similar to my AP Language and Composition class in high school. Some of the things we were learning seemed familiar and I thought I would be able to coast through. It ended up being very different from what I expected. I learned much about my writing and it helped me transition into college easier.
I felt like I improved as a writer because I became more open to allowing a peer review my work. It is easy for me to be embarrassed of my writing and not want to share with others. I realized this only hurts me and my work. My writing improved each time I let another student provide their input. I saw a large difference from my first drafts to the work I ended up turning in because I let input from students alter it for the better. The blog also helped with this. An open forum for fellow freshmen to learn about me and my writing style on the internet made everything a little less nerve-wrecking. Hiding being the computer screen made it easier to be freer with my writing while still receiving input. The blog was also a great experience because I was able to utilize the resources at Penn State that I did not even know existed until this course. For example, I know that I would not have walked into the Palmer Museum of Art without the push from the class assignment. It gave me a chance to see outside the realm of sports and come across supplies that may help me in my years here at University Park to come.
I feel closer to the arts that are on campus now because of this class. On such a large campus with a HUGE student population, it is easy to swept away in the bigger activities that generate a lot of support. I know I would probably pick going to a football game over a play any Saturday afternoon but I became more involved with going to the smaller events. Concerts and plays are always available. I am never bored on a campus like this one because there is always something to do. It isn’t that hard to find somewhere to go. The arts is also such a great way to meet more people interested in the same things as you when you attend events and put yourself out there.
This class was also a nice change from the 300 plus lectures that occupy much of my schedule. Although the room seemed extremely small during the heat of the summer months, it was a nicer and less formal setting. Being a freshman, a smaller class every once in a while can help make things a little less scary. I even found some fellow Long Islanders within that tiny classroom. Most people I had met for the first few weeks seemed to already know each other and lived in Pennsylvania. This class offered a casual yet structured setting to see new faces from many different interests. Another benefit to the small setting was getting to know my professor. In large classes, it can be hard to make your face into office hours. This class arrangement allowed me to learn more about my professor as a person as well as a published writer. I truly believed that I learned a lot about myself as a writer because it was easier to have one on one time with a Ms. S. I also loved that she shared her own writing with the class. It made things more personal. It also was much better than reading a piece from someone we perpetually knew nothing about.
Overall, I had a very positive experience in this class and I’m glad I chose it as my freshmen seminar. I would easily recommend this as seminar to future students, especially those who are undecided about their major.
Part II.
Blog Comments
Part III.
Hi Ms. S, I completed the SRTE!
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